Frequently Asked Questions

What information do we need for a quote?

The more you can tell us about the space, the better. How large or small, how many floors, how many rooms etc. If you have any floor plans or photos, this can be helpful to give you an accurate quote upfront.

How much does it cost?

Each Virtual Tour is unique to the space being scanned, prices start as low as £400. The size and complexity of a space will factor into the final cost.

When will the tour be ready?

Depending on the size of the space, most scans will be available on the Matterport servers within hours of uploading. After which it depends on how many information tags need adding, but generally, it will be approximately 48 hours from scanning completion.

Can images be edited?

No. Unlike traditional photography, once the scan is complete, it cannot be altered to remove items. We can blur content though if this is required.

Are there any hosting costs?

Yes. The first 12 or 24 months will be included within the initial quote - depending on your needs. After 12/24 months, we will contact you with a renewal quote.

How long does it take to scan?

Depending on the size of the space it can take as little as 1 hour and as much as a whole day.

If your question hasn’t been answered above, please do get in touch and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.